Provides an ENGINE UPGRADE for your

3.6 LLT-equipped vehicle!


Swap the newer and better LFX engine into your LLT car/SUV!!


Complete LFX engines!!

Fully retrofitted, LLT compatible, and ready to install!!

Why do the LFX UPGRADE?

==>> MORE POWER!!! The newer LFX has higher compression and provides up to 30 more hp than your LLT!!  You will notice a considerable boost, primarily on the top end!  The factory computer will compensate for the compression difference, no problem.  You will have no check engine light on and everything will be plug-and-play!!

==>> SMOOTHER RUNNING!! GM has taken measures such a a more rigid timing cover, revised internals and timing components, and has done a great job making these engine EVEN smoother!!  BRAVO GM!!  We love you!!

==>> NO WORRIES ABOUT TIMING ISSUES!! All the bugs have finally been worked out!  The LFX is far superior to the LLT!!

==>> BETTER FUEL ECONOMY!! With the exhaust manifold being integral to the cylinder head on the newer LFX, which essentially is liquid-cooling the exhaust, this allows the engine computer to run the engine at a slightly leaner fuel-air ratio, which equates to more power and better fuel economy!

==>> LOWER COST!!  Due the fact these LFX engines are so good, they are not failing like the LLT and thus there is a surplus in supply.  Due the laws of supply and demand, this excess in supply means much lower cost to you!!  We recommend you find your LFX engine on, which is the national locator for all the engine recycle centers.  Many recycle facility are selling their surplus of LFX engines as low as $500/ea for a low mileage engine, with 10-30k!!  An LLT with comparable miles would be more in the range of $3500-4000!!

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